6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
355 South Center Street, Westmorland, CA 92281
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation:
Roll Call:
Oral Communication-Public Comment: Now is the time for any member of the public to speak to the Council. Please step to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Three (3) minute maximum time.
Staff Reports Non-Action Items:
Fire Department – Chief Sergio Cruz
Police Department – Chief Lynn Mara
City Manager- Laura Fischer
Public Works Director - Ramiro Barajas
Consent Agenda: Approve the Consent Agenda Items 1-2.
Regular Business:
Discussion and action to adopt a Resolution 2024-17 recognizing Public Power Week and to initiate a double incentive energy efficiency rebate promotion- Stella Jimenez IID Senior Public Affairs Coordinator.
Discussion and action to adopt Resolution 2024-19 Resolution Adopting a List Of Projects For Fiscal Year 2024-25 Funded By SB 1: The Road Repair and Accountability Act Of 2017- Laura Fischer, Manager
Discussion/Action to Adopt Resolution Number 2024-18 to Approve the Application for Bicycle and/or Pedestrian Funds Under Transportation Development Act for Fiscal Year 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19. – Laura Fischer, Manager
Discussion/Action to Authorize the Manager to Prepare and Submit an Application to ICTC for REAP funds
Discussion/ Action to approve payments to Dudek listed in:
Invoice #3 for a total of $70,239.16
Invoice #4 for a total of $24,707.50
Invoice #5 for a total of $53,290.00
Grand Total of $148,236.66 – Laura Fischer, Manager
Update on Park Improvement Project PER Capita Grant – Laura Fischer, Manager
Update on Housing Element and LEAP Grant Reimbursement – Laura Fischer, Manager
Update on Federal Grant Applications for Public Safety Building – Laura Fischer, Manager
Closed Session:
Adjournment: Next regular scheduled meeting November 6, 2024.
Council meetings are Open to the Public
If you need further assistance, please email the City Clerk