This is a public meeting. You may be heard on an agenda item before the Council takes action on the item upon being recognized by the mayor. During the oral communications portion of the agenda, you may address the Council on items that do not appear on the agenda that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council. Personal attacks on individuals, slanderous comments, or comments, which may invade an individual’s privacy, are prohibited. The mayor reserves the right to limit the speaker’s time. Individuals wishing accessibility accommodations at this meeting, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), may request such accommodations to aid hearing, visual, or mobility impairment by contacting City Hall at (760) 344-3411. Please note that 48 hours advance notice will be necessary to honor your request.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2025 6:00 PM
City Council Chambers
355 South Center Street Westmorland, CA 92281
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance & Invocation:
Roll Call:
Oral Communication-Public Comment: Now is the time for any member of the public to speak to the Council. Please step to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Three (3) minute maximum time.
- Proclamation to Declare April as Autism Awareness Month - Gloria Brambilla
Reports from Council Members Non-Action Items:
Staff Reports Non-Action Items:
Fire Department – Chief Sergio Cruz
Police Department – Chief Lynn Mara
City Manager- Laura Fischer
Public Works Director - Ramiro Barajas
Consent Agenda: Approve the Consent Agenda Items 1-2.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2025
- Approval of City Warrant List.
Regular Business:
- Discussion & Action to make payment request No.3 to Cora Construction in the amount of $549,745.05 and to submit Reimbursement Request - Joel Hamby
- Discussion / Action to authorize the submittal of a Request for Proposal for Financial Auditing Services – Laura Fischer, Manager
Closed Session:
Public Service Employees Job descriptions and salary scales, as well as Appointment, Employment, or evaluation (Gov’t. Code §54957(b)(1).) Conference with legal Counsel Pending Litigation (Gov’t. Code §54956.9 (d) (1))
Adjournment: Next regular scheduled meeting April 2, 2025.
Council meetings are Open to the Public
If you need further assistance, please email the City Clerk